Independent Medical Examinations
If you’re investing the opinion of an unbiased physician to strengthen your case through an independent medical examination (IME), a video record of the doctor’s exam can provide you with a wealth of information about the “patient”. In some cases, it can also provide valuable information about the doctor performing the IME. Both sides can benefit from having the IME recorded.
For the Plaintiff
Did the doctor perform enough of an evaluation to reach his or her conclusions? Some doctors spend 1 to 2 hours during the physical exam. Others only spend a few minutes. A video record of the IME may give you the tools that you need to refute the doctor’s findings, should those opinions be detrimental to your case.
For the Defense
Similarly, you can use the video record of the IME to evaluate the quality of the doctor’s examination. In most cases, the doctor will take a patient “history”, and that can often reveal information extremely useful to your case.
We use the same high quality high-definition video cameras for IMEs that we use in depositions. Since IMEs are typically performed in a small medical exam room, we maintain a very small equipment “footprint”. We bring only a tripod for the camera, and we use an on-camera shotgun microphone to pick up all of the dialog in the room. When possible, we will provide a female videographer during IMEs of female patients. In all cases we work to maintain the patient’s dignity and modesty while providing complete coverage of the exam.
Same-day electronic delivery of the IME video footage can be made available, if necessary. We have a very high speed fiber-optic internet connection and can upload large video files very quickly.
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